Yes, I just learnt that my own view on Ethics can supposingly be categorised as "Subjectivist - Emotivist - Consequence Theorist".
The good thing about reading philosophy is that you found out everything that you can think of as some very good idea or principle by yourself, had actually been thought of in detail many years ago by someone. So instead of think it all over again, you just need to read what had been thought of (... yes I m lazy) so that we don't have to re-think the whole thing again. More important, there usually were even better ideas and principles that those dead people (or some alive) thought of that can enrich your life.
Based on the almighty “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” (HGTTG), the planet Earth itself is actually a large computer built trying to solve the problem of “Life, the Universe, and Everything”. In this regard it is very true. Look at the chain of thought starting form Socrates/Plato to Kierkegaard/ Heidegger that seems so certain that it is a continuous process of computation on trying to find a solution to “Life, the Universe, and Everything”. So we should hope that the planet Earth won’t be demolished soon…